Social Security Information

Jan 22, 2025 notes for new international students:

  • Please carefully read this whole page. Most student inquiries on SSN are answered here.
  • You must first complete IDR (Immigration Document Review) if you want a Status Verification Letter (required for SSN applications for on-campus employment).
  • We prioritize processing of IDR submissions for those who also have a pending Status Verification Letter request, so as soon as you finish IDR, immediately submit your Status Verification Letter request. You don’t have to wait for your IDR to be approved before you request the Status Verification Letter.
  • You must be fully enrolled to get the Status Verification Letter (12 credits for undergrads, 9 credits for graduate students).
  • Make sure the United States Postal Service formally knows where you live; if the post office hasn’t determined in their system that you live at the address you put down, they will not deliver the SSN.
  • Don’t bring a backpack with you to the Social Security Building, as we’ve heard of students being turned away due to security concerns about backpacks.
  • SSN applicants can’t just walk in to apply; they must make an appointment.


Any student who intends to engage in employment must apply for a Social Security Number (SSN).

The SSN is intended only for use in relation to employment in the U.S. It is a taxpayer identification number. The SSN does not represent permission to work nor is it proof of U.S. citizenship or permanent residence.

Please Note: If you are a new student you should wait 7-10 business days after arriving in the U.S. and receiving an approval letter from our office regarding the completed processing of your Immigration Document Review before applying for an SSN.

That allows time for arrival data from the port of entry and SEVIS to be entered in the primary system that the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses to validate authorization.

We’ve heard of some students being successful sooner than that, but please don’t be surprised if the Social Security Administration tells you to come back another time for that reason.

If you are an F-1 or J-1 student visa holder but are not employed, you are not eligible to apply for an SSN.

Applying for a Social Security Number

Overview — Details follow below

These steps can only be completed following appropriate arrival in the U.S. and completion of IDR. Please read the detailed instructions that follow.

  1. Receive Letter of Employment
  2. Request a Status Verification Letter
  3. Make an appointment to apply for an SSN at the Social Security Administration (SSA); get a receipt for this
  4. Check that USPS knows your address (you can do it at the USPS in the same building as the SSA)
  5. Give your employer the receipt from the SSA so you can begin work
  6. When your Social Security card arrives, contact the CSU Foreign Tax Office to set up your Glacier account for proper tax information
    1. If you Change Status, do CPT or OPT, or get an I-20 / DS-2019 Extension of program end date, you must update the CSU Foreign Tax Office.

1. Letter of Employment

To be obtained from your prospective on-campus employer.

Click Here to View Letter of Employment Template

  • The employment letter must be on CSU department letterhead and signed with wet ink (emails and electronic signatures do not qualify)
  • Include the following information:
    • Student’s full name (must match name on passport)
    • Position (job) title
    • Employment start date
    • Number of hours per week (must not exceed 20 hours/week)
    • Supervisor’s full name and phone number
    • Employer’s wet ink signature (electronic, copied or scanned signatures do not qualify)

A note for graduate students with assistantships: your original assistantship offer letter is not sufficient for this process. Please have your department (likely the HR liaison) create a letter that strictly follows the template and points above on their departmental letterhead.

2. Status Verification Letter

To be obtained from ISSS.

The SSA requires CSU to verify your immigration status and eligibility to apply for an SSN by issuing a Status Verification Letter.

All students must be enrolled full time for the semester to be eligible for this letter, unless they have an approved Reduced Credit Load on file.

Click the image button below to request your Status Verification Letter.

You will need to upload a scan of your Letter of Employment from Step 1 above.

3. Apply at the Social Security Administration (SSA)

Beginning Jan 2025, applicants must make an appointment. Contact the Social Security Administration to make an appointment: 1-866-336-7385

Read 1-5 below before going to the SSA.

  1. Complete the application form for an SSN (Form SS-5, page 5) before going to the SSA.
    • Leave items #2, 12, 9b/10b, and 13 blank if not applicable to you
    • For item #5, select “legal alien allowed to work.”
    • don’t sign until the SSA rep tells you to
  2. Prepare these:
    • Letter of Employment with an original wet ink signature
    • Status Verification Letter from ISSS with an original wet ink signature
    • Form SS-5 (filled out but not signed ahead of time)
    • Current I-20 or DS-2019 (must be printed in color so ISSS’ signatures show in blue, with your signature and date on the student attestation line on page 1)
    • Valid passport
    • Current I-94
  3. Don’t bring a backpack with you to the Social Security Administration building; we’ve heard of students being turned away for security concerns.
  4. Go to the Social Security Administration office at your appointment time and during their hours (below)
  5. Apply for your Social Security Number
    1. Request a receipt or a letter of verification confirming that you have applied for your SSN.
    2. It can take 2-4 weeks to receive your Social Security Card by mail, so the receipt will be used by your employer’s payroll department in the meantime.

If you have questions about applying for your Social Security Number, contact ISSS at [email protected] or (970) 491-5917.

SSA Hours

Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

  • Tip: their office closes at 4pm, so it’s best to call before 3pm.

SSA Location and Contact

301 S Howes Street, 4th Floor
Fort Collins, CO 80521
(In the same government building as the U.S. Post Office)
Corner of S Howes Street and W. Olive Street


*Please note that because the Social Security Administration is located inside a federal building, you will need to bring a valid government-issued ID, go through a metal detector, and have your bag inspected. Backpacks may not be allowed through security, so it’s best not to bring them.

4.Check that USPS knows your address

  • Make sure the United States Postal Service formally knows where you live; if the post office hasn’t determined in their system that you live at the address you put down, they will not deliver the SSN.
  • You can visit the post office on the 1st floor of the same building as the Social Security Administration to update them with your address

5. Give your employer the receipt from the SSA

And expect to wait 2-4 weeks to get the card in the mail.

If you have not received the number within four weeks, call the SSA (1-866-336-7385). Don’t return to the SSA office to try to get the number after they’ve accepted your application.

6. When your Social Security card arrives…

After receiving the Social Security Number (SSN) from the Social Security Administration (SSA):

  • You must contact Foreign Tax Office by email at [email protected] to complete a GLACIER international tax profile.

GLACIER is used to help determine tax residency and treaty benefit eligibility and proper employment taxation. The employing department (not the employee) may request a temporary Payroll Control Number (PCN) from the Foreign Tax Office if it is critical that the employee be set up in Oracle prior to receipt of the SSN.

  • The PCN is temporary and CANNOT be used as an SSN for payroll reporting purposes.
  • The employing department must obtain a receipt (copy of SSA’s letter) as proof that the SSN has been applied for and must provide a copy of the letter to Foreign Tax prior to receiving a PC.
  • After GLACIER is completed and tax forms have been submitted to Foreign Tax, the Foreign Tax Office will notify HR Records to change the PCN to the employee’s SSN in Oracle.
  • Typically, social security cards are received within four to eight weeks of applying. It’s possible and encouraged for the new hire to return to SSA 24 hours after applying to receive their number, while waiting for the card to arrive in the mail.

If the employee provides the SSN to the employing department, the department should ensure they have completed all required steps with Foreign Tax. This is a critical step in the onboarding process for all Foreign National employees.

If the employee fails to complete the GLACIER profile within 60 days of their hire date, they may not continue to work. 

  • Students also must contact [email protected] when OPT or CPT work authorization has been granted.
  • After receiving an updated copy of the I-20, Foreign Tax will remove the student’s work hours restriction in Oracle.
  • If you get approved for a program end date extension from ISSS, you also must contact the Foreign Tax Office to update your tax settings.

Campus Employers can access the Hiring International Students page for more information on this process.

Additional Information

  • F-1 and J-1 visa students may work on-campus up to 20 hours total per week during the academic year and unlimited hours on-campus when classes are not in session.
  •  J-1 students must have their employment authorized in SEVIS and get an authorization letter from ISSS before beginning employment.
  • Protect your identity by keeping your Social Security Card in a locked, safe place.
  • Do not give your SSN to just anyone. Employers, tax agencies (IRS, tax accountants), CSU, and banks are some of the few organizations that might legitimately request your SSN. The IRS will not call you and request your SSN over the phone. If this happens, it is likely a scam. If anyone requests your SSN that you are unsure of, please contact our office and we will help you confirm the organizations legitimacy, if possible. When in doubt, don’t hand it out.
  •  United States employees pay 7.65% “F.I.C.A.” tax, which includes the Social Security and Medicare taxes. The employer automatically withholds it from the employee paycheck. If you are paid, you will have this tax withheld unless you are tax exempt due to your immigration status. J-1 and F-1 students should not have the Social Security or Medicare taxes withheld if they have been in the United States for less than five calendar years. In order to ensure exemption from these obligations, CSU employees must contact the Foreign Tax Office as soon as they receive their Social Security Number.