Peace Corps is a United States government agency that sends American citizens abroad to promote world peace and friendship. This is done by providing trained women and men to interested host countries to help support their development needs.
Peace Corps volunteers also share their American culture with other peoples while learning more about their host countries’ cultures and sharing it with Americans back in the U.S. Volunteers currently serve in over 60 different countries for 27 months in six different sectors:
- Environment
- Agriculture
- Education
- Youth in Development
- Community Economic Development, and
- Health
All expenses are typically covered related to one’s service. Visit the Peace Corps website for more information and view current positions accepting applications.
Contact Information
Lindsay Singh, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, Guyana, 2009-2013
- Office Location: Laurel Hall, International Programs, Northeast Corner of the Oval, 700 Oval Drive
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: (970) 491 – 0426
- Office Hours: Tuesday/Wednesday – 9:30a.m. – 1 p.m.
- Schedule an Appointment: Meet with a CSU Peace Corps Recruiter
More Information
- Get on the CSU Peace Corps Interest List to learn more & receive emails about Peace Corps events on campus & in Fort Collins.
- Find Peace Corps National Events happening online here.