Programs and Social Events
Outdoor Programs
The Fort Collins International Center (FCIC) organizes outdoor activities for all interested students and community members. The aim of outdoor activities is to provide an active and fun environment for students and community members to enjoy the beauty of Colorado and surrounding states on occasion together. Activities vary from hiking and skiing to snow-shoeing and river rafting trips.
Find all the events on the Fort Collins International Center Website.
CSU Sport Opportunities
Interested in Sports? American Culture? Having fun?
Every semester the Office of International Programs holds several sports events to bring international students together and experience college sports at Colorado State University. Depending on the event you will be able to learn about the way the game is played, the American or Ram traditions, meet the players and cheer on your fellow rams in different games.
CSU Sport Opportunities
Interested in Sports? American Culture? Having fun?
Every semester the Office of International Programs holds several sports events to bring international students together and experience college sports at Colorado State University. Depending on the event you will be able to learn about the way the game is played, the American or Ram traditions, meet the players and cheer on your fellow rams in different games.
World Unity Fair
Join us for the 68th World Unity Fair on February 17th, 2024
The World Unity Fair is the one of the biggest events of the year where one can experience multiple cultures under one roof.
For all the details visit the World Unity Fair Page.
Spring Break Trips
Make the most of your week away from classes!
Each spring, international students at CSU decide to spend their spring breaks, and many have come to enjoy the time off by exploring favorite Colorado locations with the trips and activities with other international students.
This year we hosted FIVE fun-filled days around northern Colorado, visit Spring Events Page to learn more.