International students, scholars and their dependents are required to have health insurance. Learn more about the healthcare system in the U.S. and why health insurance is necessary.
Health Insurance in the US
Video courtesy of International Student Insurance
CSU Health Insurance
All International Students who are enrolled at Colorado State University are required to maintain health insurance, and are automatically enrolled in the CSU Student Health Insurance Plan each semester. Each semester, the premium cost will be billed to your student account. Coverage begins on the Monday before classes start (the day before Orientation) and lasts until the next semester’s coverage begins. For more information on this requirement, including coverage dates, premium costs, and lots of other information about the benefits of your plan, please visit the International Student Health Insurance webpage from the CSU Health Network.
If you are a Sponsored Student and have insurance through your Sponsor, we may automatically waive this requirement. You will learn more at orientation.
NOTE: International students belong to a different group plan than American students for their student health insurance. If you were billed for the domestic student rate, but believe that you should be billed the international student rate for health insurance, please contact an advisor in the Office of International Programs to resolve this issue. Please note that charges from a previous semester cannot be modified.
Direct Billing to Insurance Companies
Starting this year, the CSU Health Network will direct bill students’ insurance companies to eliminate the burden of students having to file their own insurance claims. This will save you money since many students have not followed through with the claim filing process in the past. Charges for medical services (including all provider office visits) will be submitted to students’ health insurance plans, and students’ out-of-pocket costs will be dependent on their health insurance plan benefits.
Non-CSU Health Insurance
To opt-out of the CSU Student Health Insurance Plan, students must demonstrate proof of comparable coverage with an insurance waiver (instructions found on the International Student Health Insurance Waiver webpage). The deadline to submit a waiver request is by the 10th day of classes.
You will automatically be billed for the CSU insurance if you do not complete the waiver or if your requested insurance is not comparable to the CSU insurance standards. Dependents are also required to have medical insurance, but are not eligible for CSU health insurance.
Insurance for Dependents
Dependents of international students and scholars are also required to have adequate health insurance. However, CSU no longer offers the option of enrolling spouses, dependents, or domestic partners in the CSU Student Health Insurance Plan. The affordable option is to buy health insurance for spouses, dependents, and/or domestic partners through the Colorado Health Insurance Exchange, a marketplace where you can shop and buy health insurance based on quality and price. You can find more information at the bottom of the Health Network page under the question “Does CSU provide insurance coverage options for students’ dependents, spouses, or domestic partners?”
If you have any other questions about insurance, please contact the Student Health Insurance Office at (970) 491-1355.
University Policy Regarding Health Insurance
The following is the official University policy regarding health insurance for students and their dependents as issued by the Governing Board of Colorado State University:
August 16, 1978
“All non-immigrant students and accompanying dependents are required to enroll in the Student Health Service’s insurance program (or to show proof of equivalent protection).”
May 22, 1968:
“All full-time, alien students will be required to have reasonable and adequate insurance protection against illness, accident, hospitalization, and death.
The University will negotiate a group insurance policy each year to provide for current minimum standards of protection. Students who document proof of equivalent protection may be exempted from payment of premiums for the University group plan. All other alien students will be assessed the premium from the group plan at the time of payment of tuition and fees.
Providing documentary proof of equivalent insurance coverage is the responsibility of the student. The responsibility of ruling as to equivalency rests with the University.”