Social Programs
Upcoming Events
All EventsFriday Afternoon Club (FAC)
The Friday Afternoon Club (FAC) has been a CSU tradition for almost 50 years! Join us weekly and connect with our international community, learn about special activities or volunteer opportunities, and engage in new friendships from around the world in this relaxed, social setting. All ages and backgrounds are welcome- from families, to students to faculty to retirees and more – it’s a world community that will keep you coming back!
Every Friday from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the International House
Visit the FAC Webpage for all the details.
Outdoor Programs
The Fort Collins International Center (FCIC) organizes outdoor activities for all interested students and community members. The aim of outdoor activities is to provide an active and fun environment for students and community members to enjoy the beauty of Colorado and surrounding states on occasion together. Activities vary from hiking and skiing to snow-shoeing and river rafting trips.
Find all the events for 2019-2020 on the Fort Collins International Center Website.
If you want to take part in one of the outdoor events check us out on Facebook.
Every semester the Office of International Programs holds several sports events to bring international students together and experience college sports at Colorado State University. Depending on the event you wiwll be able to learn about the way the game is played, the American or Ram traditions, meet the players and cheer on your fellow rams in different games. Click on the images to below to learn more
Fall and Spring Sport Programs
Football 101Basketball 101International Day at CSU SoccerInternational Day at CSU VolleyballInternational Day at CSU TennisWEEKEND IN THE MOUNTAINS INTERCULTURAL RETREAT
Weekend in the Mountains is a unique program, geared toward new international students, that takes participants to the CSU Mountain Campus for a weekend of bonding and intercultural activities. Participants build relationships with new friends from all over the world in the beautiful mountains of Colorado. Scholars, and spouses of students or scholars, are also welcome.
Learn more about this event at the Weekend in the Mountains Page.
Cultural Mentor Program
The Cultural Mentor Team is a group of U.S. American and international student volunteers who have been trained to assist new international students with their adjustment to the U.S., on everything from finding housing to tips about Fort Collins to cultural adjustment.
Don’t have a cultural mentor? Visit the Cultural Mentor Page to learn more.
Interested in being a cultural mentor yourself? Visit the Becoming a Cultural Mentor Page here.