You’re in! What’s next?
You’re officially a Colorado State University admit, but there are a few more steps international students must take to take to prepare for the first day of class. Below you’ll find detailed information that will guide you through the enrollment process. We’re here for you if you have any questions.
Conditional Admission: Instructions for students awarded conditional admission will vary slightly. Conditionally admitted students planning to enroll in the Programs for Learning Academic and Community English (PLACE) program to clear their admission will receive additional instructions from PLACE. Refer to our conditional admission site to learn more.

International Pre-Arrival Guide
Download or print a copy of our extensive pre-arrival guide to ensure you are staying on track with all of your next steps.
Getting Started: Activate Your NetID
Within two days of submitting your application, you’ll receive an email with instructions to activate your electronic identity.
This email may be routed to your spam or promotions folder, especially if you are using Gmail. Check your spam folders and make sure is set up as a safe sender.
Creating your NetID also creates your university email account, which other offices and departments use to contact you.
View Your Interactive checklist
Your checklist will help you track important tasks, like applying for housing, signing up for orientation, and submitting immigration documents. As you complete tasks, you’ll see the corresponding status update along with detailed information about what’s next.
Your checklist will be constantly updated throughout the year to make sure you have the best information at your fingertips when you’re ready for it.
How do I get to the Ram Start Checklist?
Your checklist will be available once you are admitted to CSU.
To sign in:
1. Go to and sign in using your NetID
2. Navigate to the Ram Start section
3. Click the “Ram Start Checklist” button
4. Explore your checklist items. Incomplete or items that need attention items will have a “X” icon next to them, and you can find more information to complete them below your checklist.
Admitted Student checklist
Click on each step to see detailed information about why each step is important and the actions you need to take to check it off the list. Access your RamStart Checklist in RamWeb to complete these next steps and more.
Enroll in Duo two-factor authentication
Duo is a tool that provides two-factor authentication to better protect your account by requiring an additional piece of information beyond your username and password. When you access certain CSU online services (e.g. Microsoft 365, Teams, email, RAMweb, etc.), you will be required to use a device that you have to provide an additional layer of security to your account.
To learn more and to register your devices, visit:
CSU Information Technology Support Helpdesk
Phone: (970) 491-7276
Email: [email protected]
Activate your CSU Email
After you activate your NetID, you should also establish your university email account (using Office 365). Your email address is formatted with your first name and last name, followed by For example: [email protected]. This is referred to as your “alias” and is the public address you supply when someone wants to email you. Your CSU email account stays with you throughout your CSU experience.
Once you have been admitted, CSU staff and faculty will use your CSU email account for information including financial aid, housing, orientation, academic courses, transfer evaluations and more. Check your CSU email regularly once you have been admitted. You are responsible for the information sent to your CSU email account.
To log in to your CSU email account:
1. Go to the Office365 login page:
2. In the sign-in box, enter your NetID as the username in the format [email protected]
3. Enter your NetID password
4. Once logged in, click on “Outlook”
Note: there might be a delay of up to two hours between when you create your NetID and when your email account is ready to use.
Obtain your I-20
You were instructed to submit your immigration information form, financial support document(s) and passport ID page as part of completing your application for admission. If you have not yet submitted all required documents OR if corrections/updates are needed, complete this step as quickly as possible.
Whether you’ve been granted clear or conditional admission, the International Enrollment Center (IEC) will issue your official I-20 or DS-2019 immigration documents only after reviewing, verifying and approving your immigration information.
Need to know the status of your immigration documents?
Log in to your Admissions Dashboard in RamWeb to check your status and/or submit immigration documents.
Secure your visa
Once you obtain your I-20, you may continue the process to apply for your Visa. Students can apply for a Visa up to one year prior to their starting term. We recommend you secure a Visa appointment as early as possible to avoid delays. Once you’re ready, you can:
Pay the SEVIS I-901 fee
At least two weeks before your visa interview, pay this fee online.
-Input your name exactly as it appears on the I-20 or DS-2019 form.
-Input CSU’s school or program code. This is located on the front page of your document:
**F-1: DEN214F00179000
**J-1: P-1-00240
Print a copy of the online receipt and bring it to your visa interview. Canadians should present this receipt at the U.S. border.
Make copies of this receipt and keep it with your other immigration documents.
Make a visa appointment at a U.S. Embassy/Consulate
Find your local U.S. Embassy/Consulate and schedule an appointment with them as early as possible. The wait time for a visa interview varies, but is always longer during the months of June, July, and August. Depending on your course of study and nationality, the visa officer may also have to get special clearances, which can require additional time.
The earliest the U.S. Embassy/Consulate can issue an F-1 visa is 120 days before the start date of your program in the U.S. However, you can apply for your visa up to a year before your program.
Need to know the status of your immigration documents?
Log in to your Admissions Dashboard in RamWeb to check your status and/or submit immigration documents.
Confirm and Deposit
Reserve your spot in our incoming class by paying your $300 enrollment deposit, which covers new student charges and a portion of your first semester tuition. You’ll be able to access the on-campus Housing Application and Ram Orientation sign-up after you deposit.
What are my options?
Log in to RAMweb and click on “Tell Us Your Plans” to take one of the following actions:
Confirm and Pay
By confirming and paying your $300 deposit you will reserve your spot in the incoming class and gain access to the on-campus housing application and orientation sign-up.
Confirm and Defer
If your cost of attendance will be paid by a third party (such as a sponsor), you may defer your $300 enrollment deposit. This will reserve your spot in the incoming class and you will gain access to the on-campus housing application and orientation sign-up. The $300 deposit will reflect as due with your first semester billing statement.
Update Your Application
Need more time? You can request a change to your entry term for up to one year. We’ll keep your application active and work with you to retain your admission decision and enrollment deposit, if possible.
Decline Your Offer of Admission
If you decide not to enroll at CSU, you can decline your offer of admission. After you decline, we know that you no longer are considering CSU, and we will discontinue our communications. You can change your mind and confirm at a later date, but declining your admission might impact your enrollment options. If you’ve already deposited and your plans have changed, refer to our refund policy.
Recommended Deposit Dates
Depositing on time helps us plan for your arrival and ensure your spot in the incoming class. If your plans change, contact us to update your application to a future term or to cancel your confirmation (refund policy).
Fall Semester
Freshmen must deposit by May 1 and transfers must deposit by July 1. After these dates, confirmations are accepted on a space-available basis.
Spring Semester
All new students must deposit by December 15 or within two weeks of admission if after this date.
Summer Semester
Summer course registration opens in March, and courses begin in May. Early confirmation is encouraged for best access to courses. Deposits are accepted until June 1.
Ready to Confirm?
Log in to RAMweb with your NetID and follow the link to “Tell Us Your Plans.”
Secure Housing
Freshmen (first-year students) are required to live on campus and are guaranteed housing. Off-Campus Life can support transfer students who choose to live off campus. The on-campus housing application requires a $350 deposit (waived for students who qualify for an enrollment deposit deferral).
On-Campus Options
CSU offers a wide selection of housing and dining options to ensure all students feel at home on campus.
Freshman students under the age of 21 are required* to live on campus for their first two semesters and are guaranteed housing. Freshman students over the age of 21 and transfer students are welcome to live on campus and can be eligible for designated upper-level residence hall or apartment options.
It is important to secure your housing plans prior to arrival on campus. Campus housing fills quickly, so students must complete this step as soon as possible.
Residence hall application:
Fall semester on-campus housing application opens in mid-January. Spring semester housing application opens in mid-September.
Learn more about residence halls and university apartments on the housing website. Questions about living on campus, the housing application, or the $350 housing deposit* can be directed to Housing & Dining Services.
*The housing deposit is waived for students who qualify for an enrollment deposit deferral.
Off-Campus Options for Transfer Students
Off-Campus Life can help you identify housing in the Fort Collins community, plus they offer resources to help you make a successful transition to your new home.
Ready to apply for on-campus housing?
Use your NetID to log in to your Ramweb to view your options and complete your housing application. You must submit or defer your enrollment deposit prior to applying for housing.
Register for Ram Orientation
Step 1: Register for Ram Orientation
Using your CSU eName and password, sign in to our Orientation Reservations system to register for Ram Orientation for International Students. Orientation will take place in the week prior to the start of your first semester. Fall semester orientation sign-up opens in late January. Spring semester orientation sign-up opens in mid-September.
Step 2: Complete the Required Orientation Modules
Prior to Ram Orientation, international students awarded clear admission must complete the International Student Required Orientation Module to receive pre-arrival information and to register for courses. Instructions for the online Pre-Orientation module are emailed to your university email account several weeks prior to the start of the term and should be completed as soon as possible. You must reserve your spot in the on-campus Ram Orientation to receive the Pre-Orientation information.
The final page of your Required Orientation modules will provide you with information about how to schedule an Academic Advising and Course Registration appointment with your academic college. You are responsible for using the contact information provided in the Required Orientation modules to schedule your own appointment.
Note: You will not be able to register for classes until you have fully completed the Required Orientation modules.
Step 3: Attend Ram Orientation
All new undergraduate international students are required to attend Ram Orientation. At Ram Orientation, you will learn about your rights and responsibilities as an international student, meet other new and current CSU students, and learn about University resources and processes that will be important to your success. Ram Orientation takes place the week before classes begin.
Register for courses
Course registration for undergraduate students is a multi-step process which takes place prior to arriving to campus for orientation. It is important that students follow the steps below in order to register for a full-time course load (12 credits) before arriving on campus. Here is how you will register for classes:
All students: Register for Orientation and Complete Online Orientation Modules
Register for Ram Orientation for International Students and complete the Online Orientation Modules. The Required Orientation Modules are a series of online modules that will introduce you to resources and services available at CSU as well as other information you need to know before meeting with your Academic Advisor or Academic Success Coordinator (ASC) to register for classes.
First-year students: Attend International Student Registration Event (Virtual)
After you make your orientation reservation, you will be invited to attend a virtual advising and course registration event. During this time, you will meet with your Academic Advisor and register for your Fall courses. Emails will be sent prior to your registration day to allow you time to prepare. Please check your email for these emails.
Transfer students: Complete Modules and Contact Your Advisor
In the last section of your Online Orientation Modules, you will see your Academic Advisor’s contact information, which you will use to make an appointment for your course registration. Course registration should be completed this summer and before your arrival in August.
You are responsible for using the contact information provided in the Required Orientation modules to schedule your own appointment. Note: You will not be able to register for classes until you have fully completed the Required Orientation modules.
Important Note: Academic Advising and Course Registration are not part of the On-Campus Ram Orientation for International Students sessions when you arrive on campus.
Submit Immunizaton records and health requirements
Complete the steps on CSU Health Network’s New Student Checklist to support our commitment to a safe and healthy campus. Steps include submitting required health and immunization records, completing the online Alcohol EDU and Sexual Assault Prevention programs, and documenting insurance coverage.
Our International Care Coordinators can address any of your health concerns, answer questions and connect you to resources.
Make sure your health records are ready.
Take a look at the CSU Health Network’s New Student Checklist.
Complete Placement tests
There are some key placement steps to complete before Ram Orientation.
Log in to RAMweb to complete your Personalized Mathematics Plan to understand where you are in the Math Placement Process. Your personalized plan will let you know whether you need to take the Math Placement Exam (MPE) before Orientation.
You may also need to complete the Composition Directed Self-Placement Survey (DSP).
To receive advanced standing credit for transfer or test out work in mathematics, composition or any other college-level course work you’ve completed, be sure to submit your official college transcript and/or official test results as soon as possible.
Note that some colleges/departments still require that you complete the Math Placement Exam (MPE) before orientation even if you expect to receive transfer or test-out credit.
When in doubt, complete the placement steps. Your results do not bind you to a particular course of action, but they can help you keep your options open. Email [email protected] if you have any additional questions.
Submit final transcripts
Your admission is provisional until we receive final, official secondary school, university, or tertiary transcripts. Your secondary school transcript should show graduation or equivalent.
If the original transcript is not in English, a certified English translation must accompany the official document. Admitted students are encouraged to bring available course descriptions, syllabi, or course catalogs that will assist us in granting you equivalent CSU credit.
Your admission decision may not be retained or you may experience delays in the course registration process if you have not submitted final transcripts by the start of your first semester.
Many students choose to bring a sealed copy of their final transcripts when they arrive to campus.
Email [email protected] for instructions on how to submit your final transcripts.
Review Pre-arrival guide
A full list of pre-arrival steps can be found in our comprehensive Pre-Arrival Guide for International Students. Be sure to print your guide and reach out to [email protected] for help along the way.
Visit your interactive checklist
Your RamStart checklist is available online and will be constantly updated throughout the year with your next steps. Access your checklist today to see what’s missing.
How do I get to the Ram Start Checklist?
Your checklist will be available once you are admitted to CSU.
To sign in:
1. Go to and sign in using your NetID
2. Navigate to the Ram Start section
3. Click the “Ram Start Checklist” button
4. Explore your checklist items. Incomplete or items that need attention items will have a “X” icon next to them, and you can find more information to complete them below your checklist.