Remote Advising


Jan 22, 2025: You must first check-in for Remote Open Advising to lock in your spot in the queue, and then go into the Zoom call (see the bottom of this page for the Zoom links)

  • Remember that Open Advising is done on a first come, first served basis, and we blend in-person with remote advising at the same time, so you may need to wait for some time to be seen.
  • Indicate the reason for your check-in as “Open Advising” (Not ‘question,’ etc.’)
  • Please read this page carefully, especially if you are having trouble checking in or joining the Zoom session.
  • Please don’t check-in  for virtual advising more than 5-10 min before Open Advising begins.
  • Please make sure your full name is your profile name for your Zoom account and be prepared to verify your identity when connected with an advisor.
  • You need to log in with your CSU eID and password to access the session links.
  • If you are on your STEM OPT authorization and cannot access the advising links, please call our office at 970-491-5917.

When is Open Advising?

  • Monday-Thursday
  • 10AM – 11AM (Mountain Time)
  • 1PM – 3PM (Mountain Time)
  • You must be checked in and in the Zoom waiting room before the cutoff time to be seen that day.
  • At the bottom of this page are separate links to check in and to enter the Zoom Remote Open Advising waiting room.
  • We do not have separate days / times for in-person Open Advising; the days and times are the same.
  • Note: We don’t host Open Advising on Fridays.

Accessing Remote Advising

ISSS uses Zoom for remote Open Advising sessions with international students.

You must install Zoom in order to participate in a remote open advising session with an ISSS advisor.

Remote Advising Suggestions

  • Check your video and audio capabilities before entering the Zoom waiting room
  • Make sure your environment is quiet and it’s easy to hear and see you.
    • To ensure the protection of your personal information make sure you are in a private room or environment.
    • If your connection is not clear or the advisor is otherwise unable to understand you, you will be removed from the meeting and lose your place in the queue.
  • Your open advising sessions should last no more than 15 minutes.

Before Entering Open Advising, Consider:

Email / eForms

  • If you’re coming in because of an email you received from ISSS, please read the email carefully before visiting with an advisor. Many times, the advisor just repeats the same info you got in the email, so reading carefully allows you to prepare the questions you have which aren’t already answered in the email you received.
  • We collect documents electronically, so please submit them either by email or through the appropriate eForm.
  • All documents and eForms will be thoroughly reviewed by an ISSS staff member. If follow up is needed, the staff member will reach out to you directly. You’ll also get a confirmation email at each stage of the eForm process, so there’s no need to email to ask if we received your eForm submission. But if you don’t get an auto-confirmation email immediately upon submission of an eform, definitely reach out!

Scheduling an Appointment

  • If you’d like more than 15 minutes or need to speak with a specific advisor, please schedule an appointment instead.

Still want to meet with an advisor?

By entering this open advising Zoom meeting, I verify that I am in a private location where I feel comfortable with personal academic and immigration-related information being shared openly by the ISSS advisor. I also understand I will need to verify my identity with the ISSS advisor before they are able to share personal academic or immigration-related information in accordance with FERPA.

Log Into Remote Open Advising

Step 1: Check-In

Check-in with our office through the “Front Desk Check-In” webpage linked below. (Be sure to return to this page to access the Zoom waiting room in Step 2!)

Step 2: Enter a Zoom Advising Waiting Room

Log into the morning or afternoon Zoom advising sessions by clicking the appropriate image below.