On August 29, China Programs coordinated a shopping trip for China Partner Students to get some life essentials in the first week of the new semester. Over 60 China partner students and 40 Vietnam students signed up for the trip.  It was a nice day for shopping. We arrived at Crossing Flat Shopping Mall in Broomfield at 10am. Students spent about 5 hours in the mall and got many clothes, shoes, laptops, cell phones, and etc. Then, we went to the Pacific Ocean Market around 3:30pm. Students were very excited to find different kinds of Chinese food and something they are familiar with in China here. All the students got many bags of food, beverages, meat and Chinese fried pans. They are ready to cook Chinese food. The shopping trip is very helpful for Chinese students to settle down, especially for students, who haven’t got a car yet. We will have this kind of shopping trip for students every year.

On the evening of August 28, at Lory Student Center, the China Programs hosted the first welcome reception for over 80 new and 80 returning China partner students. The event also brought together university leaders and those, who are working closely with China Programs at Colorado State University. Dr. Wei Gao, Associate Provost for China Programs gave an open remark to welcome everyone attending the event that evening. Followed by Dr. Gao’s open remark, a China partner student representative – Xiangqian Xu shared her great experience at CSU. We had special welcome remarks from: Lynn Johnson, Vice President for University Operations; Jim Cooney, Vice Provost for International Affairs; Alan Lamborn, Associate Provost for Educational Attainment; Mike Palmquist, Associate Provost for Instructional Innovation. We were also very honored to have Kelly Long, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies in the College of Liberal Arts; John Moore, Professor and Head of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability and administrators from Admissions, Apartment Life, Office of International Programs, INTO, Confucius Institute and Chinese Students & Scholars Association (CSSA) coming to the reception.


Dr. Gao provide a brief introduction about China Programs and what it has achieved from 2010 to 2015 including some statistics, graphs, partnerships and graduate destinations. Followed by a delicious American style dinner, CSSA and China programs coordinator gave a series of presentations to help students get involved into academic and social culture, such as culture differences, legal issues, classroom culture, campus resources, academic deadlines, etc. All the students were every excited to come to CSU and they felt very welcomed by CSU’s leaders and administrators.

Association of Ningbo Science and Technology delegation paid their first visit to CSU on November 21, 2016. The delegation was led by Vice Chairman, CHEN Zongzhi. CSU has already established partnerships with 4 high schools in Ningbo Province. They were here to promote further collaborations at university level –Ningbo University of Science and Technology as well as research collaborations.


Lou Swanson, Vice President of Engagement and Wei Gao, Associate Provost for China Programs welcomed and met the delegation. They introduced CSU to the delegation and discussed possible research collaborations in water, environment and sustainability.

负责大学推广的副校长Lou Swanson,以及分管中国项目的高炜副校长会见并欢迎了代表团。他们向代表团介绍了科罗拉多州立大学的基本情况,并讨论了在水、环境与可持续方面等可能的合作领域。

China Programs cooperated with Chinese Club in the College of Liberal Arts and launched Language Partners Program this semester. The purpose of the program is for China Partner students to reach out to American Students, who are interested in learning Chinese language and culture; make friends with American students and improve language and cultural awareness; and enhance abroad experience by getting involved into American college students’ life and study. There are over 120 students participating this program, including 70 American students and 50 Chinese students. Students meet every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 4:00-5:00pm. The American students are in 4 different levels. They get their assignments and Chinese students help them with their homework and Chinese students can also have the opportunity to practice their English by having conversations according to different topics they are given.

For both Chinese and American students, it’s a great opportunity for them to have cross-cultural communication and practice their second language. Many students who didn’t sign up for the program this semester would like to participate next semester.

7月9日,科罗拉多州立大学副校长Alan Rudolph, 中国项目教务长高炜、副校长高级顾问Ellen Fisher等一行6人访问我校。

校长朱自强会见了Alan Rudolph副校长一行,双方对两校开展实质性的科研平台建设和具体项目的落实作了充分的讨论。朱自强希望两校能够在具体项目的推进方面要优势互补,落到实处。Alan Rudolph感谢上海师范大学的热情接待,并表达了对未来两校合作的期待与信心。



6月8日至12日,应科罗拉多州立大学的邀请,校长朱自强率团访问了该两所院校。本次访问深化了上海师范 大学和科罗拉多州立大学的教学科研合作,提高了校际合作水平,进一步增进了双方的友谊。


        2015年6月10日至11日,上海师范大学朱自强校长率团访问我校,与我校领导及相关学科领域的学院领导、教授商谈教学以及科研方面的合作,特别是与我校的教务长Rick Miranda签署了双方的战略合作协议。

        国际事务副教务长Dr. James A. Cooney和中国项目副教务长高炜对上师大代表团的来访表示热烈欢迎并非常期待此次与上海师范大学的长期合作。今年是上师大建校61周年,朱自强校长表示,希望在上师大第二个六十年的发展期间能与我校开展多模式、深层次、全方位的国际化办学。就两校在教学和科研方面的优势而言,Dr. James A. Cooney副教务长提出双方可以从环境学科、商业研究、园艺学科、人文科学等领域开始合作,并期待与上师大及其欧洲合作院校进行三方面的合作。



In early March, Drs. John Moore, Randy Boone, and Kaye Holman from the CSU Department of Ecosystems Science and Sustainability (ESS) traveled to Anhui Agricultural University (AAU) to meet with students and faculty in the new 2+2 Environmental Science Degree Program being coordinated between CSU and AAU. Chinese students enrolled in the program are completing the first two years of their undergraduate degrees at AAU and will transfer to CSU as juniors to complete the final two years of their studies.

Each of the 27 freshmen admitted in the first cohort for the program, met with the CSU faculty representatives during the March visit. The students shared information about their interests in environmental and sustainability science and motivations for studying in the 2+2 program. During the visit, students’ families were also invited to campus for an Admissions information session and to learn more about CSU and ESS. Planning meetings between ESS and AAU faculty were held to make progress on transfer course articulation between the two universities.

Dr. Moore and Boone will be returning to AAU in early summer to teach two courses on the campus and work more closely with the students.



The traditional graduation ceremony for the Chinese minor students and language partners were held on April 29, 2016 @ Chiu Laoshi’s House. About 110 students had a great time there. They made Chinese and American food, such as dumplings, spring rolls, BBQ, salads, etc. They played games, such as Mahjong, volleyball, fresbee and had lots of conversations. Chinese minor graduates got their graduation certificates and gifts, while Chinese language partners also got their certificate and gifts. We also printed out their photos and gave it to the students as a good memory.

The graduation ceremony is not only a ceremony to congratulate students, but also a great event for both American and Chinese students to deepen their relationship with each other. Many of them have been good friends with each other.



在科罗拉多州柯林斯堡的USDA-ARS,与农业系统研究课题组首席科学家Lajpat R. Ahuja研究员、马里旺研究员和水管理研究课题组首席科学家Tom Trout研究员、Louise H.Comas、Kendall Dejonge博士进行了学术研讨,Lajpat R.Ahuja研究员做了题为“Develop and use whole system approaches to help optimal resource management”的学术报告,Kendall Dejonge博士做了题为“How to sustain irrigated agriculture with less water?”的学术报告,Louise H.Comas 博士做了题为“Crop responses to water deficit”的学术报告。Kendall Dejonge博士陪同参观了室内实验室及位于Greeley的限水灌溉试验站及当地农场,Kendall Dejonge博士接受邀请将于9月份到中国开展合作研究。并前往Akron访问了USDA-ARS和科罗拉多州立大学联合建立的中部平原旱地农业实验站(Central Great Plains Research Station),与试验站首席研究员Merle F.Vigil及管理人员Bruce Bosley进行了交流和座谈,Merle F.Vigil研究员为详细介绍了试验站的背景、研究任务、成果及效果较好的多种旱作农业措施。Bruce Bosley陪同考察了附近的农场及由农民用水者协会负责的渠系配水、水位流量自动监测及闸门自动控制系统。在科罗拉多州立大学与土壤和作物科学系主任Euģene F.Kelly教授、Timothy K.Gates教授、Neil C. Hansen副教授、Allan A. Andales副教授,土木与环境工程系José Chávez博士等进行了广泛而深入的学术交流,杜太生教授介绍了中国农业大学中国农业水问题研究中心与农业部作物高效用水武威科学观测实验站概况,并做了题为“Integrative water management for watershed health in the driest inland regions of Northwest China”的学术报告,并与在座人员进行了热烈的讨论。随后,Allan A. Andales副教授陪同参观了科罗拉多州立大学农业研究发展教育中心精准农业试验区,访问了科罗拉多州立大学水资源研究所,并与水资源中心主任Reagan M.Waskom博士进行了座谈。

在科罗拉多北方水务管理局(Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District),Brian Werner详细介绍了科罗拉多大汤普逊河西水东调工程的修建过程,该工程是科罗拉多河上一项多目标水资源开发工程。落基山脉以西的科罗拉多河上游水量丰富,但被高峻的分水岭所阻而不能东流,为解决科罗拉多州东部地区长期干旱缺水的问题,1935年对打通落基山脉的调水工程进行调研,1937年成立了北科罗拉多水利区,对用水及分摊费用的偿还签定合同。1938年跨流域调水工程开工,1957年所有批准项目全部竣工。工程建有12座水库、3座泵站和6座水电站,该工程实际年调水量平均为2.84亿m3,灌溉用水的灌区面积达28万hm2;城市及工业用水量超过8000万m3,且呈不断增长趋势。从影山水库到东部灌区落差884m,水电站的总装机容量为18.4万kW,年发电量为7.59亿kWh。Brian Werner陪同参观了该工程布置模型及不同灌溉方式和灌水量的农田水分监测试验和生态景观示范区。
