On August 29, China Programs coordinated a shopping trip for China Partner Students to get some life essentials in the first week of the new semester. Over 60 China partner students and 40 Vietnam students signed up for the trip.  It was a nice day for shopping. We arrived at Crossing Flat Shopping Mall in Broomfield at 10am. Students spent about 5 hours in the mall and got many clothes, shoes, laptops, cell phones, and etc. Then, we went to the Pacific Ocean Market around 3:30pm. Students were very excited to find different kinds of Chinese food and something they are familiar with in China here. All the students got many bags of food, beverages, meat and Chinese fried pans. They are ready to cook Chinese food. The shopping trip is very helpful for Chinese students to settle down, especially for students, who haven’t got a car yet. We will have this kind of shopping trip for students every year.