In early March, Drs. John Moore, Randy Boone, and Kaye Holman from the CSU Department of Ecosystems Science and Sustainability (ESS) traveled to Anhui Agricultural University (AAU) to meet with students and faculty in the new 2+2 Environmental Science Degree Program being coordinated between CSU and AAU. Chinese students enrolled in the program are completing the first two years of their undergraduate degrees at AAU and will transfer to CSU as juniors to complete the final two years of their studies.

Each of the 27 freshmen admitted in the first cohort for the program, met with the CSU faculty representatives during the March visit. The students shared information about their interests in environmental and sustainability science and motivations for studying in the 2+2 program. During the visit, students’ families were also invited to campus for an Admissions information session and to learn more about CSU and ESS. Planning meetings between ESS and AAU faculty were held to make progress on transfer course articulation between the two universities.

Dr. Moore and Boone will be returning to AAU in early summer to teach two courses on the campus and work more closely with the students.