On August 27, China Programs and International Initiatives organized a shopping trip for Chinese and Vietnamese Partner Students to get some life essentials in the first week of the new semester. We had the biggest group of students ever (103) on two CSU buses. It was a nice day for shopping. We arrived at Crossing Flat Shopping Mall in Broomfield at 10am. Students spent about 5 hours in the mall and got many clothes, shoes, laptops, cell phones, and etc. Then, we went to the Pacific Ocean Market around 3:30pm. Students were very excited to find different kinds of Chinese food and something they are familiar with in China here. All the students got many bags of food, beverages, meat and Chinese fried pans.  The shopping trip is very helpful for Chinese students to settle down, especially for students, who haven’t got a car yet. We will have this kind of shopping trip for students every year.




8月27日,中国项目和国际事务为中国和越南的合作伙伴学生组织了购物活动,帮助他们在新学期的第一个周末购置一些生活必需品。两辆学校大巴,一共103名学生组成了有史以来最大的购物团队。那天天气非常好,我们上午10点抵达了位于Broomfield的Crossing Flat Shopping Mall。学生大约在商场里呆了5个小时购置了很多衣服、鞋子、笔记本、手机等等。然后我们在三点半左右抵达了亚洲超市。学生们见到了他们所熟悉的食品非常的兴奋。所有学生都是大包小包买了食材、饮料、肉以及炒锅等等。此次购物行让学生备足了生活必需品,帮助他们安顿下来,对于刚来还没有车的新生是非常有帮助的。我们每年都将会组织这样的购物活动给需要的中国学生。

On the evening of August 25, at Lory Student Center, the China Programs hosted the second welcome reception for over 150 new and returning Chinese students. The event also brought together university leaders and those, who are working closely with China Programs at Colorado State University. Dr. Wei Gao, Associate Provost for China Programs gave an open remark to welcome everyone attending the event that evening. Followed by Dr. Gao’s open remark, we had special welcome remarks from: Rick Miranda, Provost and Executive Vice President; Lynn Johnson, Vice President for University Operations; Lou Swanson, Vice President for Engagement; Jim Cooney, Vice Provost for International Affairs; Kelly Long, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs. We were also very honored to have Mike Palmquist, Associate Provost for Instructional Innovation; John Moore, Professor and Head of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability and administrators from Admissions, Apartment Life, Office of International Programs, INTO, Confucius Institute and Chinese Students & Scholars Association (CSSA) coming to the reception.


8月25日在Lory学生中心,中国项目组织了第二届中国新生欢迎会,大约有150名新老生、校领导以及和中国项目有紧密合作的教授等前来参加。分管中国事务的高炜副教务长致开场词并欢迎每一位来参加活动的来宾,随后教务长Rick Miranda; 分管人事财务的副校长Lynn Johnson; 分管大学拓展的副校长Lou Swanson; 分管国际事务的副教务长Jim Cooney以及分管本科生事务的副教务长Kelly Long分别致了欢迎词。欢迎会同时有幸邀请到了分管创新教学的副教务长Mike Palmquist; 生态系统科学系主任、教授John Moore; 以及招生办公室、宿舍部门、国际项目办公室、INTO、孔子学院以及中国学生学者联合会的负责人。





Dr. Gao provide a brief introduction about China Programs and what it has achieved from 2010 to 2016 including some statistics, graphs, partnerships and graduate destinations. We have had over 500 Chinese partner students registered for classes from 2010-2016; established over 60 partnerships with Chinese universities and high schools; over 200 partner students graduated by summer 2016 and over 85% of partner students had over 3.0 GPA. The other highlight of this event was that we invited one of the Chinese partner student alumni Yue Pan to share her great experience at CSU with university leaders and current students. Yue graduated from CSU in 2015 and she is pursuing her master’s degree at UC-Berkeley. Her CSU experience made her outstanding at UC-Berkeley as well as her current internship company. Jinzhe Han is a sophomore student in applied mathematics. She came to CSU last year and also shared her experience with new students. Followed by a delicious American style dinner, CSSA and China programs coordinator gave a series of presentations to help students get involved into academic and social culture, such as culture differences, legal issues, classroom culture, campus resources, academic deadlines, etc. All the students were every excited to come to CSU and they felt very welcomed by CSU’s leaders and administrators.



Chinese students make up the largest group of international students on campus. Among these students is Wenjin Wang, a senior majoring in landscape architecture as part of the 2+2 program with Anhui Agricultural University in Hefei, China. Wang’s experience transferring to a new country represent a common feeling felt by many international students: culture shock.

“Before I arrived here, everything I knew about (the United States) was from movies and songs, “Wang said. “The imagination and reality are quite different. There was a period where I didn’t really want to talk because of the language barrier. I questioned myself, “do I really belong here?” As I opened up, I started to see we actually had many things in common and connected in many ways. I’m proud to say that coming to CSU is the best decision I ever made.”

Wenjin Wang’s Bio

Wenjin Wang is a senior undergraduate student studying Landscape Architecture in the College of Agricultural science, who also has a minor in Business Administration. Wenjin is one of the China partner students Anhui Agricultural University. During his study at CSU, he has been recognized on the dean’s list in each semester. In May, he will be graduating with distinction as “Cum Laude”.

Wenjin is highly engaged in both professional and voluntary activities. He volunteered in the 2014 American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Annual meeting and EXPO, and had a valuable experience with many well-known landscape architects. Besides, Wenjin also takes active parts in the student organization and contributes to campus diversity. During the term when he served as the vice president and interim president of Chinese Student & Scholar Association (CSSA), he participated and led in event planning, fund raising, and coordination between different organizations. Through holding a series of events, including China Partner Students Welcome reception, World Unity Fair, Mid-Autumn Festival Fair, Spring Festival Gala, Voice of CSU, CSSA dedicates to promote Chinese culture and encourage multicultural interaction between our students and local community. Wenjin also works at Central Programs – Apartment life, which is an on-campus housing department providing apartments for residents around the world. His job is to provide supports and serve as a resource to other staffs and residents to create a socially and academically engaged community.

Wenjin enjoys Colorado sunshine and likes skiing and hiking. The scenery in Colorado is really different from his hometown, which also allows him to better experience the interaction between human and nature. Fort Collins has the natural advantage of easy access to natural area, and eventually benefits him as landscape architect in the long term.

2016 Spring Language Competition was sponsored by China Programs and organized by a China partner student, Zhoucheng Zhu and a Chinese minor student Kangna Wen. About 50 students came to attend this event on April 2 at Behavioral Science Building. There were four parts for students in four levels. The first part was to play catchphrase for first year student; the second part was to play the Chef game for second year student; the third part was the Redical game for third year student and the fourth part was the Scattergories for fourth year student. In each part, Chinese minor students needed to work with a Chinese student to finish the competition.

This event was a great way to help American students and Chinese students to interact with each other as well as to practice their language.

This time the competition was more like a game. We hope students wouldn’t feel fear to participate. Next time, in order to showcase students’ language level, we will plan some more difficult tasks to challenge the students a little bit.



Wenjin Wang

王文锦(Major:Landscape Architecture, Class of 2016)


2016 一月-2016 五月

在CSSA 工作时长:

2014 五月-2016五月


在学生会工作的两年内,最大的收获就是学会更好的交流和倾听意见。学生组织中的每个成员都是自愿牺牲了自己的时间来组织活动,刚好时间对于每个学生来说都是很可贵的资源。我们的staff牺牲了自己的时间在组织活动上, 因此他们的意见是应该被尊重的,他们的付出应该得到认可。


从最初的CSSA论坛和QQ群,到今天的微信公众号, CSSA不仅提供平台供学生交流信息,也起到传播信息的作用。 此外,从每个学年初的新生见面会,入学时的借机和临时住宿,到中秋游园会,春节晚会,Voice of CSU, CSSA致力于为学生提供尽可能的便捷和课余活动。


China programs和科罗拉多州立大学孔子学院都是对于中国学生的重要资源。此外,CSU以及Fort Collins 对待国际学生非常包容,和支持。在中西部学习,可能更容易让你多了解和接触到美国。


CSSA在策划每项活动都有很多需要考虑的细节,从这个角度来说,在event中你获得了这么一个机会真正的让你去做事情了。只有你深入的去做一个事情,才能理解到现实生活中的大事小事都是来之不易的。 此外,event关联着各种各样的人,在学生会你会有很多机会和其他的个人或者组织打交道。如何和一个团队一块做事,如何跟其他团体联系,如何说服别人,当别人不同意你的观点的时候,如何为自己defense,这些锻炼在你的日常学习中体现的并不那么明显,但在学生组织中可以得到。


科罗拉多民风淳朴,自然景观很多,来到CSU可能你从此就喜欢上了户外活动。而且,Fort Collins 的阳光很好,人的心情会随着好天气变的更好。最后,我还很喜欢Odell!


尽量去尝试你没有做过的东西,并把你擅长的发挥到极致。在CSU的时间将会过的很快,而在这你有太多的新鲜事物可以尝试。Ski, fishing, shy diving, hiking, camping, Rock climbing……

王旭 (Major: Soil and Crop Sciences, Class of 2015)



CSSA 工作时长:

2013年9月–2016 年2月


我来到CSU已经三年了,我们是最开始的几批Transfer student。因为当时CSU的中国学生真的很少,所以当中国学生会开始新的一届招新的时候,本能的感觉到一种亲切地感觉,想要加入这个大家庭。在那之后学生会每次举办活动,都让自己在异国他乡有了一种主人翁的感觉。我们通过学生会结识到了一些志趣相投的朋友,通过很多活动,让自己真正的融入到CSU的文化氛围中。通过在学生会里两年来的不断地锻炼,更催促我萌生出想要竭尽自己的力量让更多的中国学生在异国他乡体会到亲人的感觉和得到更多的帮助。





1.建设CSU CSSA的官方网站,方便新生们在到来之前可以准备一些必要的东西和生活tips

2. 在每年的秋季入学的时候,cssa会提供机场的接机服务。

3. 并且会给一些还没有申请到房子的学生提供临时住宿,以便他们可以在异国他乡可以安心来学习的感觉。

4. 在学期的开始阶段,学生会会及时开展新老生交流会,分享一些老生们在csu的学习经历和心得。

5. 在中国传统节日的时候,也会特别举办一些活动来让中国留学生们体会到节日的气氛!


当我们进入到csu的时候,这是一个全新的学习环境,csu会像美国所有大学那样提供各种好的学习资源。比如像图书馆,这真的是一个知识的海洋,我们可以免费借到教科书和笔记本电脑在学校内任何环境中使用,并且,图书馆也会提供很多study room 方便我们进行group study

在生活娱乐方面,rec center 是我最爱的地方,csu的体育馆包含了一切你所需要的体育设施,还有一个游泳中心,我们不仅可以游泳锻炼身体,还可以泡温泉蒸桑拿,真的让男生们很开心!

并且,每个学院都会为学生们提供很多兼职和实习的机会,在每年的秋季一开始,就会举办各种大型work career.





csu 坐落在洛基山下,校园一年四季都是风景如画,校园里各种完善的教育设施,而且各个学院的advisor 都很好,会为大家提供你们所需要的课程安排,欢迎大家来到csu学习!



胡依怡 (Major: Watershed Science, Class of 2016)


2014 Fall-2015 Spring


2012 Fall-2015 Spring




我觉得CSSA是一个可以把留学生和华人聚集起来的标志或者说平台。在这个平台上可以共享资源(比如说住房,以及一些在Fort Collins的生活信息),可以联络感情(组织华人集会,例如春节和中秋晚会),也可以展示才艺(CSU好声音,摄影比赛)。


  • 每年暑假国内的新生宣讲会:带大家了解出国前的手续和准备工作有哪些。
  • 每年秋季开学前在学校的新生见面会:进一步了解学校以及校园学习生活。
  • 免费的机场接机服务:由学长学姐作为志愿者在机场引导新生乘车前往校园。
  • 开学前的临时住宿安排:由学长学姐或当地居民提供住宿,填补还没有确定住房的空白期。


记得大一的时候生物教授对我们说:在这个3万人的巨大校园里每时每刻都有精彩的故事发生,不同的人在专注于不同的事情,到处都是让人兴奋的机遇。当时这番话对我有很大启发,鼓励我去参加很多的校园活动以及志愿者服务。所以我觉得CSU提供给学生最好资源就是校园文化的多样性(Diversity)。只要你愿意,就有很多的活动,机会和机遇在等着你去参与,融入校园这个小社会,贡献自己的那一份uniqueness & diversity。


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. 希望大家可以勇于尝试新的东西,接受新的挑战。加入CSSA绝对会让你在CSU的生活看到与别人不一样的风景(笑)。




简单说些比较琐碎的吧~ 但是不代表不重要哦~ 重要的事情只说一遍!!!

首先,好好学习,天天向上~ 和国内大学不同的是美国大学考试很多。比起国内大考前突击复习这里更加注重平时的积累。所以一定要勤复习,保证自己能够跟上进度。



China Programs and Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) picked up about 75 new students from DIA on 8/11-13.

On August 11, we welcomed students at the airport and guided them to get their baggage and helped them get on the shuttle bus. On August 12-13, we reserved CSU bus to bring students back to campus from DIA. We had 2 trips on each day. We also arranged volunteer cars to drive students to residence halls, apartments and temporary housing to make sure they arrived safely.

CSU campus is about 80 miles away from the airport. This was the first time we arranged CSU bus to pick up students. China Programs and Chinese Students and Scholars Association covered the cost. Students, who arrived on 8/12-13, didn’t have to take the shuttle and get off at the place new to them. Students felt warmly welcomed and also established great relationships among new and return students.

Volunteer cars were also available from 8/11-17 to drive new students to the markets and malls in Fort Collins to get some daily life essentials. This solved a big problem for new students – transportation.

The whole airport pickup process was very successful. We picked up all the students who signed up for; we brought them to where they needed to go; we also provided services to help them settle down before the semester started. It was a great experience for new students, return students as well as for China Programs and CSSA.




学生会安排的志愿者车队从8月11-17日为新生提供免费去科林斯堡超市和商场购置生活必需品。这一服务解决了新生所面临的最大困难之一- 出行不便。






4月17日下午,我校代表团与科罗拉多州立大学校领导、相关教授和学生代表,地方官员及市民代表参加了科罗拉多州立大学能源大楼落成典礼暨(华东师范大学与科罗拉多州立大学)中美新能源与环境联合研究院科罗拉多州立大学办公室揭牌仪式。褚君浩院士和科罗拉多州立大学校务长Rick Miranda共同为两校联合研究院科罗拉多州立大学办公室揭牌。科罗拉多州州长John Hickenlooper,前州长及联合研究院政策研究中心主任William Ritter,科林斯堡市市长Karen Weitkunat,科罗拉多州立大学校务长Rick Miranda、科研副校长Alan Rudolph以及相关院系负责人等参加典礼及揭牌仪式。仪式结束后,褚君浩院士应邀在新能源大楼报告厅做了关于太阳能光伏产业研究的主旨报告。


4月17日上午,我校代表团与科罗拉多州立大学校务长Rick Miranda博士、科研副校长Alan Rudolph博士、校务长顾问William Farland博士、自然科学学院资深副院长James Sites博士等会谈。Rick Miranda校务长强调华东师范大学是科罗拉多州立大学在中国最早也是最重要的战略合作伙伴,他非常高兴看到两校联合研究院在大气环境、气候变化影响、水资源、太阳能等领域开展的卓有成效的工作,表示将继续大力支持两校的合作,欢迎青年教师和学生到科罗拉多州立大学进修和学习。双方经过讨论,一致同意拓展两校校际合作领域,鼓励双方物理、化学、能源、环境、工程等领域的学者研究生参加联合研究院的工作,推动在太阳能光伏、冷原子、化学工程、磁学材料、纳米材料、生物质能源和替代能源、空气质量、大气和水环境、数据处理和数值模拟等领域开展合作。


Colorado State University recently hosted Southwest University Delegation led by President Weiguo Zhang. Other 4 delegation members included Xinyong Ge, Director in President’s Office; Fajun Zhang, Director of Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges; Zewen Huang, Party Secretary, Faculty of Psychology and Yang Wan from Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges. It was their first visit to Colorado State University. In about 3 weeks, CSU delegation will visit Southwest University as well.



Southwest University is the third largest university in China. They have 53,000 students, including 39,000 undergraduate students, 13,000 graduate students and 1,600 international students. Their strength majors include agricultural science, plant & animal science, engineering, psychology, art, etc., which are similar to CSU’s strength majors. Every year, about 2,000 students participate into joint degree programs and about 5% of their students study abroad. Thus, there are many potential collaborations between Colorado State University and Southwest University.


In fall 2016, there are already 7 students from SWU studying at CSU for the joint degree program. The delegation had a great lunch with the students. The students shared their great experience at CSU.



The delegation had several meetings with CSU leaderships, including Jim Cooney, Vice Provost for International Affairs; Dan Bush, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs; Kelly Long, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs; Wei Gao, Associate Provost for China Programs; Mike Palmquist, Associate Provost for Instructional Innovation; Dan Goble, Director of the School of Music; John Moore, Professor and Head of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability. After this visit, both CSU and SWU are very excited to the future collaborations in joint degree programs at undergraduate level, faculty/student exchange, graduate programs, online programs, some research collaborations and collaborations in School of Music. SWU and CSU will have advanced discussions on those future collaborations at the end of October, when CSU delegation visits SWU.

西南大学一行会见了我校领导,国际事务副教务长Jim Cooney; 教授事务副教务长Dan Bush;学生事务副教务长Kelly Long; 中国事务副教务长高炜;创新教学副教务长Mike Palmquist; 音乐学院主任Dan Goble; 生态系统科学与可持续性系主任John Moore。此次访问,西南大学和我校对今后各方面的合作发展充满了希望,包括本科阶段的双学位项目、教师和学生的互访、研究生项目、网上教学项目、研究领域的合作以及和音乐学院的合作等。十月底我校访问西南大学时将会更深入的探讨以上领域的合作。