Snowriders Ski Club: Fun for International Students

You’ve probably heard before that Colorado is the best place to go skiing, correct? Well, not only is it true, but it is also easy to head to the mountains at any time during the ski season if you attend Colorado State University

The university’s biggest club is called Snowriders, and it has more than 200 members that go skiing every other week. It is a wonderful way to meet new people, get rides to the mountains, have a barbecue with other members, and so on!

The most common mountains the club goes include:

  • Arapahoe Basin (2:00 hours from CSU)
  • Winter Park (2:30 hours from CSU)
  • Eldora (1:45 hours from CSU)

In order to join the club, you pay a fee for the semester (price varies between $25-$30 USD) that will give you access to a private group on Facebook, where every day there’s a new post inviting members to either a meeting in Fort Collins – so you can get to know other members and make new connections – or letting people know which mountain Snowriders will be at for the weekend. Besides that, members that are planning on going skiing and have spots left on the car, make a post there inviting anyone who wants to join for the day.

I can list many advantages of this club, but if I were to list two, I would say that creating new connections is the first and being able to ski every week if you don’t have a car and/or don’t feel comfortable driving on the snow.

Lastly, CSU students have access to a WONDERFUL discount for the season pass.

Purchasing it through a link posted at Snowriders’ bio in Instagram, you can get more than $200 off your season pass! In my personal opinion this is one of the biggest advantages of joining the club if you like to ski or snowboard, or even if you are just willing to try new experiences.

Depending on the mountain you can pay $200 for a day-pass, so even if you ended up going skiing only twice in the entire season, it was already cheaper than buying the day-pass.

This is just one of more than 500 clubs and organizations at CSU — we hope you’ll join us to learn more and find your own club when you get here!

Victoria Farhat is a dual major in Business Administration and Economics with a minor in Design Thinking. Victoria is a third-year student from Brazil and currently works as the Marketing and Communications Assistant in the International Enrollment Center.