Why did you decide to study at CSU?
I decided to study at CSU for the course and research but realized later how much more CSU has to offer. And I absolutely loved the location and the campus.
What academic accomplishment are you most proud of?
This may sound a cliche, but it’s true. Getting into CSU and coming to the U.S. for grad school.
What was your biggest surprise about the U.S?
The people here are the nicest lot I’ve come across and I don’t think this can get any better. FoCo is such a safe place to be. I was told not to go out late night and not to make a lot of friends but I’m glad I did otherwise.
What are your favorite activities/clubs in Fort Collins?
I love going on hikes and would love to be a part of Cultural Mentor Program to meet lots of new people.
What are your career goals?
I want to work in an automotive industry, in automation. Childhood dream.
What do you want people to know about your home country?
India is extremely diverse in terms of food, language, dressing sense so much so that travelling within the country can make you feel like an alien at times. But the beauty of Delhi, where I come form, is that you get little bits of entire India in one city. And also, we speak good English because it is an official language of India.
What has been your favorite memory at CSU so far?
CSU is exactly how I imagined my second college life to be. CSU doesn’t make me miss home much.
What advice would you give to other students who are considering CSU?
There is no better place to be in U.S. than here, in FoCo. And I’m not the only person saying this.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself
I love cars so much that I can probably go on talking about them for weeks together or until you decide to unfriend me.