Job Responsibilities
As the International Partnerships Coordinator I am responsible for coordinating major elements of Colorado State University’s efforts with partners around the world. I work to enhance international student enrollment through dual degree programs and special tuition programs with partners, global faculty mobility, international opportunities for students, and collaborative research with global partners. I work directly with CSU faculty, senior leadership, and administrative staff to develop partnership agreements and implement initiatives. Lastly, I am responsible for planning and hosting visiting delegations when partner institutions visit CSU.
Fort Collins, CO.
B.A., International Studies, University of Wyoming
M.A., International Studies, University of Wyoming
International Experience
Studied abroad at the University College of London in 2017 and interned for SNP MP Stuart Donaldson in the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Have traveled through many parts of Europe and some of South America.
Favorite Aspect of CSU
Its strong connection to the local community.